Thursday, January 12, 2017

Pajama Day!

There is an all school celebration TOMORROW, January 13th.  Please wear appropriate pajamas to school and join in on the fun.

Image result for pajama day

There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 16th.  Monday is a teacher inservice/work day.  
Image result for no school

Friday, June 3, 2016

The Last Day Blues...

As you can see by all of their faces, we are so sad it's summer vacation!  We had a wonderful year and I'm going to miss each and everyone of you :-).  Have a safe and happy summer!
Pencils- tiny
Erasers- flat
Glue- empty
Folders- fat
Crayons- broken
Desk- neat
Memories- forever

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Our Play and A Little Extra :-)

Here it is:  Our last play!  Read through, parts assigned, and props all made in a week.....What a fun project!  I was having so much fun making the iMovie that I added a little surprise at the end :-).  Hope you like it!  Click on the link below.  

AwArDs DaY!

We took the morning to recognize second grade students who read their hearts out and practiced those math facts!  The awards given are as follows:
 These four students received the citizenship award.  These students were respectful, trustworthy, responsible, kind, and fair all year long.  Congratulations!  You should be proud!
 Golden Luncheon Recipients: These students were caught doing something "good" last month.

 2nd grade students who read for at least 5 of the 6 Book It months.  Keep reading!

 Fitz Family Math Awards!
Attendance Awards: These students only missed 3 or less days of school!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Camp Read Your Heart Out!

Today we enjoyed a wonderful surprise!  We attended our first summer camp: Camp Read Your Heart Out!  Students traveled to six different stations throughout the afternoon: campfire games, a camp story, S'mores, camp read-a-lot, RIF river, and a walk-in movie theater. Students learned about summer camping safety, picked a free book, and heard about our IGEMS reading goals.  Please look for a reading packet in their "camping bags" tonight.  Students are encouraged to keep reading over the summer and track what days they did reading activities on their calendars.  Please return these calendars at the beginning of next school year.
 Reading their new books!
~ The RIF River!~
 "Why can't I just read all day, everyday?"
 "Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be."
 The walk-in movie theater
 Camping Games

Reading a story by the campfire :-)

Butterflies Are Free!

Iowa-Grant second graders watched as our painted lady butterfly EGGS hatched into CATERPILLARS and then transformed into a CHRYSALIS.  We released our BUTTERFLIES yesterday morning (5-31-16) before the rain came.  We enjoyed watching the butterfly life cycle up close and personal!  Ask your child about their butterfly!
 Our first butterfly!
 Butterfly Release!

 Say, "CHEESE!"
"Like a butterfly,
I am growing and changing
and finding my true colors in life.
I am finding my wings
so I can fly 
and soon be on my way."
Mrs. Fitz

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Kind Kids for Kristi

What a wonderful event!  From start to finish, we had a ton of fun.  We danced, walked, ran, and ate freezies.  Kristi was able to join us and watched from the back of a truck.  I could tell by her smiles and tears that she was so honored and thankful for everyone in the IG community.  YOU ROCK, KRISTI!!!!