Monday, March 28, 2016

Friday, April 1

We will have an all school celebration this Friday, April 1.  Our school promotes the six pillars of character education (respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, caring, citizenship, and fairness/sportsmanship).  In honor of fairness and sportsmanship, we plan to wear our favorite sports apparel on Friday!  Join in on the fun!

Reminder:  Family Pasta Night (Playground fundraiser) is this Thursday, March 31.  I hope to see you there!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break To-Do List

1. Look at and plan when your family will complete the grandparent's day activities.  Your child brought a large envelope with these activities home on Friday. (Due April 11)

2. Log onto XtraMath and practice those addition/subtraction facts!

3. HAVE FUN!  Everyone deserves a break to rejuvenate :-).

Helping Others

2nd Graders at Iowa-Grant Schools assembled "project packages" for sick children at the Children's hospital in Madison.  Patients will receive packages with all the supplies they need to make a craft.  Our class assembled the parts for children to make rabbits for Easter.  We hope these packages bring joy and love to other children who are not as fortunate as we are.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Come See the Easter Bunny!

Come to the Montfort Community Building on Saturday, March 12th
 from 10am-noon!
We will have real bunnies, a 4-H bake sale, take & make crafts, and the Easter Bunny!
Hope to see you there! This is a FREE event!!

Monday, March 7, 2016


On March 31st, we are planning a pasta supper and movie night to raise money for the playground! Please look for an invite in your child's book bag tonight with more information.
 In addition to the pasta and movie, we would like to have each homeroom create a basket to raffle off during the evening.  We are asking each homeroom or grade level to come up with a theme, and then ask for the students to bring an item for the basket.  Tickets will then be sold that night and the winners’ names will be drawn at the end of the movie.  We can’t wait to see how creative our students can get!
Please bring in any items you would take to the beach! Here are some ideas:
-beach towels
-flip flops
-swimming toys
Thank you for your support!
~Mrs. Fitz


This week's specials are as follows:

Monday- Music & Gym
Tuesday- Gym & Computer
Wednesday- Art & Library
Thursday- Gym & Computer
Friday- Music & Art

My apologies for no weekly news last week!  I was home with Beckem.  Both of his grandparents decided to go on vacation at the same time.  We had a great weekend, but I'm excited to be back at school.  We will finish our dinosaur research papers, make a dinosaur using our creative juices, and finish our dinosaur posters in computer class.  Have a great week!
~Mrs. Fitz

P.S.- Please turn in your grandparent photos ASAP!  I have about 1/4 of the pictures in!