Wednesday, October 28, 2015


It's that time of year for our annual pumpkin making, Halloween fun!  Each classroom was invited to decorate a pumpkin.  Our categories are: silly, IG pride, scary, and storybook character.  Our class voted and chose a scary pumpkin.  You will have to ask your little vampire (hint, hint) which one is ours.  A reminder that our Halloween party is Friday after lunch.  Your child may wear a school appropriate costume (no masks or weapons, please) to school that day.  Make sure your child is comfortable in their getup, for they will need to wear it all day.  Friday is an early release!  HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!


Our boxes of goodies have arrived just in time for the all we need are tricks :-).  Every student benefits from our Scholastic book orders.  The students who ordered got to take their books home today, and the rest of the books ordered are for our class to share.  Each student received a bookmark this time around as well.  If you did not purchase and wish you would have, no problem!  I will send out new order forms in November.  We also have our school book fair coming up as well.  Our theme this year is MoNsTeR BoOk FaIr....reading is so much fun, you'll get goosebumps!  Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits.  It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are.  The book fair hours are as follows:
Thursday, November 5th- 1:00-7:30 p.m. (conferences)
Friday, November 6th- 9 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
Monday, November 9th- 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 10th- 1:00-7:30 p.m. (conferences)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Room for More!

This week we performed Room for More, a rhyming play where one family's relatives come to visit.  The relatives keep coming and coming! We read through the play on Monday, distributed the roles on Tuesday, practiced it on Wednesday, and performed it for Mrs. Wasley's class on Thursday.  I am so proud of each and everyone for doing so well in such a short amount of time.  Please watch our rehearsal performance!  (I apologize for the lighting.  I used a filter that I will never use again!)

PuMpKiN pAtCh FuN!

We had so much fun today!  I was thoroughly impressed with the Bures Berry Pumpkin Patch.  We got an educational tour around the patch.  We stopped to see raspberries, pumpkins, bees, chickens, goats, and the newly planted garlic crop!  Farmer Ed (the owner) talked about the life cycle of plants and did a nice job informing us about his place.  We got to stretch our legs in a pumpkin relay race, which was my personal favorite.  Then his wife Kathy joined us for the corn maze and hayride fun!  Last but not least, we each picked our own pumpkin right out of the field.  Look for some pumpkin patch goodies in your child's book bag and enjoy these pictures!  Have a great weekend!