Wednesday, December 16, 2015

ChRiStMaS cOnCeRt UpDaTe/ TaKe 2

Hello Families! The Fitz Family is doing an awesome job of preparing for the show! I know you will enjoy every minute!
Here are a few reminders:
1. Please be aware of how your child is dressed. They may need some reminders of how and where they can play at recess for the concert day! (I will remind them as well.)
2. You can park by the cafeteria doors or in the front starting at 1:30.
3. I do need a note telling me what your child is doing after the concert. If you have NOT yet informed me, please reply to this email or write down your child's plan.
4. All 2nd grade is on top of the stage, on the center risers. The Fitz Family in particular, is dead center!
5. After the show, please come back to our classroom to pick up your child if you are taking them home. I will have a sign out sheet sitting outside my door, so you don't have to wait in the office to sign out. I would love it if you would say a quick goodbye before you leave!
6. Enjoy the show!! Let me know if you have any questions.

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